Xiao-Yuan Yang

I'm a Junior majoring in Physics at Wuhan University in Wuhan, China.

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I'm interested in Computational Astrophysics, Plasma Astrophysics, Accretion in Astrophysics and Planet/Star Formation.

Synthetic Observations of Protostellar Discs
Supervisor:Prof. Zhi-Yun Li
Department of Astronomy, University of Virginia
Jul. 2024 --Present

•Analyzing the data of non-ideal MHD simulation of the formation of protostellar discs from the collapse of dense magnetized molecular cloud cores, to verify and correlate the observable physical quantities with the magnetic field strength.

•Conducting synthetic observations under various conditions to measure the observable physical quantities observationally and obtain the magnetic field strength indirectly.

Black Hole Shadow Calculation (TDLI Hands-on Project)
Supervisor:Prof. Yosuke Mizuno
Tsung Dao Lee Institute (TDLI), Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Jan, 2024

•Utilized the polarized General Relativistic Radiative Transfer (GRRT) simulation code RAPTOR to construct images and movies of M87 black hole and Sgr A*.

•Investigated the properties of black hole shadows under various conditions including changes in mass, inclination, and additional relevant parameters.

Presentation and Oral-defense: slides about blackhole shadow calculation.

Magnetized Wind Beyond the Outer Truncation in Protoplanetary Disks
Supervisor:Prof. Xue-Ning Bai
Department of Astronomy and Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University
Sep, 2023 - present

•Study plasma physics for astrophysics, reproduce Bondi Accretion and Parker Wind using ODE solver, exploring steady, spherical symmetric accretion and expansion and replicate Weber-Davis Wind Solution.

•To develop a semi-analytic model for the magnetized wind beyond the outer truncation in protoplanetary disk.

Weber&Davis Wind solution CODE: weber_davis_wind_solution.
Bondi Accretion & Parker Wind solutions CODE: bondiaccretion and parkerwind.
Academic essay about Bondi Accretion and Parker Wind: essay_bondiparker.

Numerical Simulation of Black hole Accretion
Supervisor:Prof. Feng Yuan
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS
Aug, 2023 - Oct, 2023

•Reproduce hydrodynamical non-radiative accretion flows with ZEUS-2D code to investigate the properties of non-radial rotating accretion flows by introducing an anomalous stress tensor to the equations of hydrodynamics.

•Carry out a set of two-dimensional (axially symmetric) hydrodynamic numerical experiments by using a simple starting configuration and a set of well-defined boundary conditions

Searching for Compact Object Candidates from LAMOST Time-Domain Survey
Supervisor:Prof. Wei Wang
Department of Astronomy, School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University
Jul, 2022 - present

•Search for single-lined spectroscopic binary systems with phase-resolved radial velocity measurements and the periodic signals from the radial velocity measurements with the Lomb-Scargle method, and fit the radial velocity curve using TheJoker.

The codes are here: CODE.
Notes and Code on Data Analysis : data analysis.


Notes on Plasma Physics: plasma.
Notes on Accretion Theory: Accretion Theory
Notes on Hydrodynamics (in CHINESE):Hydrodynamics

This website is inspired by Jon Barron.